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DOCUMENT OF CAPITALIZATION ON THE ANALYSIS OF PRICE TRENDS FOR CEREALS IN THE SAHEL, 2001-2010 - New Strengthening the capabilities of agricultural organization networks through analysis of the evolution of local grain prices in Burkina, Mali, and Niger, during the period 2001-2010… and its repercussions for warrantage in Niger

« Strengthening the capabilities of agricultural organization networks through analysis of the evolution of local grain prices in Burkina, Mali, and Niger, during the period 2001-2010… and its repercussions for warrantage in Niger. »
This study analyses the evolution of grain prices in Burkina, Mali and Niger in order to help identify certain warning point that can assist OP networks in decision-making.
More specifically, the document places into question certain commonly held ideas, notably the one currently used to manage the supply of grain in the Sahel: that prices will be lowest at harvest and increase until the planting season.
Download the full document (english version):

 > Strengthening the capabilities of agricultural organization networks… (2010, - 2 Mo)




Afrique Verte International and Terre des Hommes France are jointly conducting this advocacy campaign to persuade French and European political decision-makers to respect the positions they have adopted: at the Rome FAO Summit in June 2008, the Heads of State and representatives of 180 countries unanimously undertook to "eliminate hunger and secure food for all today and tomorrow".
Afrique Verte International and Terre des Hommes France have observed a shortfall between this statement and the reality on the ground, even though solutions do exist.
Advocacy booklet 
In order to ensure food security and sovereignty in the Sahel, we demand that the necessary political, economic, and social measures be taken to support women’s groups working to process cereals. We request that :
  • the States encourage local credit structures to improve access to credit for the women working to process cereals so that they can invest and increase their production capacity;
  • the States and development partners encourage the creation of collective storage infrastructures to conserve the quality of the cereals;
  • the States provide tax advantages for certain processing equipment (mills, deshellers, driers, etc.) so as to improve food production;
  • the States reduce VAT on processed products, bringing them into line with unprocessed cereal which is not taxed;
  • the States revise fees of analysis laboratories and ensure the availability of food packaging which meets applicable standards so as to ensure consumer safety
Advocacy documentary "Sahelian women can feed the Sahel" - Video - 12 minutes (for sale 10€)
Presented at the RCPA meeting, Dakar, December 2nd, 2008
During the Rome summit organized by FAO in June 2008, the Heads of States and 180 country representatives all pledged with one voice to "reduce hunger and ensure food for all, today and tomorrow".
In this new advocacy documentary, Afrique Verte points out a gap between those intentions and local realities. This movie also shows that there are solutions to reach for food security and sovereignty in the Sahel. But statements must be supported by concrete commitments.

Afrique Verte wonders : should Sahel coutries produce more, or should they transform local cereals to meet with the urban consumer’s growing demand on food ready for use?


Afrique Verte International 

Forum social mondial 2006 - BamakoAfrique Verte International : an NGO with 4 partners (APROSSA in Burkina Faso, AMASSA in Mali, AcSSA in Niger, Afrique Verte in France) that promotes food security and sustainable development in the Sahel.

Afrique Verte International

In France and Europe, Afrique Verte :

Established in 1990, Afrique Verte is the result of lobbying carried out since the 1980s by the NGOs Terre des Hommes, Frères des Hommes and Peuples Solidaires. In 1985, the campaign “Pour une Afrique Verte” gathered more than 20,000 signatures that were presented during a roundtable to the Minister for Cooperation at that time, Jacques Pelletier. As a result of that initiative, the Ministry agreed to allocate 10 per cent of its budget for financial assistance supporting food assistance for supporting small-farmer organizations in sub-Saharan Africa and to create more autonomous local marketing circuits.

The three internationally recognized founding associations have been members of Afrique Verte since 1990. In addition, the Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès (AFVP) and the Comité Catholique contre la Faim pour le Développement (CCFD) joined the group at the beginning of the 1990s.

Afrique Verte – a few facts :

Resources of Afrique Verte 2008 : 1.374.000 euros, of which:

Main donors : the European Commission,

    • Reinforces the professional capacities of small-farmer organizations;
    • Participates in the consolidation the structuring of small-farmer organizations;
    • Promotes the marketing of local cereals.
    • Promotes a more accurate appreciation of Africa among the general public and encourages civic commitment, especially among young people;
    • Participates in lobbying activities promoting sustainable development and  improving North/South exchanges.
    • 11% from in-house funds and private sources; 
    • 68% from public sources (central government and decentralized administrations, European sources); 
    • 21% from other income.
  • the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Regional Councils of Ile-de-France, Lorraine, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-Loire; the Conseil Général of Finistère; the Foundation Michelham (Switzerland) and the Foundation Stromme (Norway); private donors, individuals and businesses.

    The Afrique Verte International staff : more than 50 persons in 4 countries promoting food security

    In France, the coordination and technical support team is made up of 3 employees in four areas: management, financial management, education for development and communication, and partnerships and fundraising.

    In the Sahel, a central coordinating team is based in each of the three countries in the capital, and promoters-trainers are based in the field in the programme’s target areas. The teams are made up of about 50 local employees.



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