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Afrique Verte - France

Education for development

In France, Afrique Verte carries out educational activities for development. The NGO promotes a positive image of the Sahel among the general public and youth and promotes appreciation of Sahelian traditions and culture. The association has produced educational materials and about 15 exhibits that are available to the public for a nominal fee. Our most recent creations, the exhibits “Les pagnes qui parlent” and “Femmes du Sahel”, have been very successful.

Documentary films about the activities of Afrique Verte and more generally about the Sahel and food security are available for purchase. A range of educational materials has been specially designed for the young public (6–15 years).

For the past several years, partnerships have been created with libraries, media libraries, cultural centres, primary schools, secondary schools and agricultural colleges, which often use our materials to present various aspects of the problem of food security in Africa to young people.

Afrique Verte can also help you organize activities, in particular with African storytellers.

You can consult the list of materials and order them.

Lobbying in the North in favour of producers in the South

In France, Afrique Verte participates in campaigns to inform public opinion, promote a civic commitment and concretely improve policies in the North that influence economies in the South.

With this in mind, the NGO has actively participated in the Platform of French NGOs for the World Food Summit: Five Years Later, which was held at Rome from 9 to 13 June 2002. Afrique Verte participates also in different forum: "Forum social mondial" of Bamako (2006), "Forum sur la souveraineté alimentaire" in Niamey (2006), etc.


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